Blog: Our proposals at a glance.

In their interim report, the Zero Carbon Commission have outlined a series of proposals for strengthening and extending carbon pricing across the UK economy.

We know that studying reports can can be pretty time intensive, so we thought we would bring the proposals to you via this (hopefully) handy infographic.

The aim is to offer the Government a roadmap for achieving emissions reductions at the pace and scale necessary to reach net zero, whilst funding a green recovery from COVID-19.

This roadmap demonstrates how stronger sector-specific carbon pricing can be gradually introduced alongside a series of complementary policies and revenue recycling schemes, to incentive the roll out of low-carbon and carbon removal technologies, whilst protecting households from unmanageable costs.

Infographic master-04.png
Infographic master-01.png
EE = Energy efficiencyEV = Electric VehicleBCA = Border Carbon Adjustment (Note: other mechanisms should also be explored) 

EE = Energy efficiency

EV = Electric Vehicle

BCA = Border Carbon Adjustment (Note: other mechanisms should also be explored) 

Infographic master-03.png
Infographic master-05.png

Next steps

The next and final stage of the Commission's work will be the publication of a full White Paper, which incorporates and builds upon feedback on the interim proposals. If you'd like to get in touch to discuss the recommendations, then you can contact us here.


Article: Carbon pricing is the missing piece in the Chancellor's green recovery plan


Blog: Now is the ‘Disney moment’ for a UK carbon charge