Blog: A message from our founder

We won’t reach net zero without a general price on carbon that protects Britain’s poorest.

In the last decade, dozens of pieces of legislation and regulation have been introduced in the UK to help address climate change. We have decarbonised more quickly than any other G20 nation, but almost all of this has been paid for by increases in household energy bills. As a result, middle and lower income families have borne a disproportionately high cost.

The UK Government has now committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. It’s an ambitious undertaking and one with overwhelming public support. But a goal alone is not enough. We need a framework to support and accelerate the transition. And this time, we must make sure the burden does not fall on those least able to pay.

That’s why, today, I am launching the Zero Carbon campaign, calling on the UK’s next Prime Minister to introduce a General Carbon Charge, one which would account for carbon pollution within the price of goods and return the money raised to citizens in the form of a “carbon dividend”. I am committing an initial £1m of my own money to convene a group of scientists, economists and business leaders to work through the challenges of implementing such a policy in the UK. At next year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26), I want Britain to back up our net-zero commitment with an undertaking to introduce a general price on carbon.

We need a General Carbon Charge for three reasons. Firstly, a market-based mechanism of this kind will encourage the early adoption of the lowest cost solutions, leading to a lower cost overall. Secondly, it will allow individual choice while encouraging people to change behaviour – just as the plastic bag charge has done, delivering an 86% reduction in plastic bag usage in just three years. Most importantly, it will ensure the necessary transition to net zero does not unfairly impact the less well off. Putting a price on carbon emissions ensures that those most responsible for pollution pay. Returning the money raised to citizens in the form of a “carbon dividend” ensures that those who can least afford it won’t be unfairly penalised.

A General Carbon Charge is not a silver bullet for tackling climate change but it’s a pivotal part of the solution. We will still need new regulations and policies, but adopting carbon pricing will help keep these interventions to a minimum.

Opinion polls show that citizens want urgent political action on climate change. Leading economists, agree that a proper price for carbon is the most cost-effective way to reduce carbon emissions at the scale and speed that is necessary. Simply put, we will not reach net zero until we measure and price all carbon emissions.

Two hundred years ago Britain led the world in the industrial revolution. At that time, huge advances in technology created great wealth for some, but not all. Now we have the opportunity to lead the world again, to swing our economy behind the zero carbon revolution. Let’s make sure this time the benefits are spread fairly across society.

Stephen Fitzpatrick

Stephen Fitzpatrick is a British entrepreneur who believes business has an important role to play in the race to create a zero carbon world. Stephen is the founder and CEO of the OVO group, which includes the UK’s third largest energy company, as well as the founder and CEO of Vertical Aerospace, a fully electric aircraft company reimagining the way we fly. He is also the Managing Partner of Akili, an impact investment firm focused on renewable energy infrastructure development in Africa.

Stephen launched the Zero Carbon Project in July 2019, following the UK Government’s announcement of its plan to secure national net zero emissions by 2050. The central aim of the project is to ensure that the Government achieves its 2050 commitment by becoming the first major economy to put a meaningful price on carbon. You can read more about his perspective on carbon pricing here.


Article: Carbon pricing - you can’t keep a good idea down